Getting ready for lights at the Grotto with Grandpa Jerry.

Grandpa Scott and Lilia Thanksgiving Day.

Nana and Lilia Thanksgiving day.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration this year! Matt, Lilia, and I spent the day visiting with Matt's family and enjoying delicious food. My mom and dad came down for the long weekend and we got to enjoy their company as well. We went to the lights at the Grotto, our Thanksgiving weekend tradition. This year Grandma and Grandpa went with us. Kaine spend the holiday weekend with his mom and enjoyed her and his family there. We have so much to be thankful for this year. Our health, our happiness, our newest family member Lilia, our new home, our families, each other, this great country, and so much more. We are a very blessed family and let us always remember it. I hope we remember to keep the spirit of Thanksgiving in our hearts throughout the year.