Kaine with his teammates
This year Kaine joined the Track team for his Elementary school the Fircrest Falcons. He practiced with his team every Tuesday and Thursday for the past month and even sometimes at home. Yesterday was the big day, the track meet at McKenzie Stadium, unfortunatly due to budget cuts the other track meets were canceled this year:( Kaine did great. He participated in the soft ball throw (similar to the shot put) and the 200 yard dash. He gave it his all and had a good time while he was at it. There were a few minor setbacks like a bloody nose and not having a team shirt to wear (he lost it and didn't tell anyone until it was too late), other then that it all went well. He had a season to be proud of, we are.

Softball throw, no official results yet for his throws, but Matt and I think he did better than the average. He competed against other 3rd grade boys from the school district.

200 yard dash, Kaine is on the far left in the back of the pack, you can barely see him in his grey shirt, he's just in front of those flags.

But he pulls ahead, go Kaine go...

He is doing it!

He finished strong, 7th out of 8, good job Kaine. He received a blue ribbon for his participation.

Kaine and his friends were goofing around and he ended up with a bloody nose.Cleaning up the bloody nose :( Good thing Kaine is tough.