Sunday, June 27, 2010

Run for Congo Women, well actually walk, no make that a hike.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a charity event to raise money for the Women for Women International group. The event is called Run for Congo Women and they are held all over the globe to raise money for the Congolese women and children, this is just one of the many ways Women for Women International raise funds for women all over the world. The event here in Portland was a 15k or 5k, 9 or 3 miles. I am proud to say that my mom and I finished the 15k in just over 2.5 hours. We did not "run", as 7 months pregnant it is nearly impossible, but we briskly walked/hiked the 9 mile course. I say hike because it was truly a hike, the first 4.5 miles were up hill and the last 4.5 down. We had a great time together! We also were suprised when we saw Sam, Matt's Aunt, there. She was there with her friend doing the 5k. I look forward to participating again next year and strongly encourage you to check out and


Sam and Lilia and I

And we are off....

9 miles later

We did it!

Summer has begun

Summer has begun and so has the fun! Kaine is off to spend most of the Summer with his mom, we know he is really excited about this, although we all miss him already and it's only been a week. He'll be back for Cub Scout Camp in July and the last few weeks before school starts. Matt and I have a vacation planned for just the two of us and some home improvement projects around the house we'd like to get done before Baby comes in September. Lilia is going to go to Utah with Grandma and Grandpa Westover for a few days and spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa Mahrt and Weiner while we are away on our vacation. Lilia is also getting a big girl bed here real soon and we hope to have her potty trained before Baby arrives. We love you all and hope to get to see you and spend time with you this Summer!

Papa's Girl

Happy Father's day! Lilia is a Papa's girl. She loves all her Papas and she wants them all to know how special they are to her.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Multnomah Falls Revisited

We've hiked Multnomah falls before, but this time we brought along some extra company, Kaine and Baby Conrad. We had a great time and the weather was nice. We came home and went smoring as Kaine called it in our backyard and I am happy to report the first smores of the year were delicious!