Our little Miss is not quite 11 months old and walking. It's sad but true. We took her to Grandma Tami's house this weekend to spend some time with her cousin Natalie, who's getting ready to celebrate her 1st birthday. We went to a parade, the girls shared a cupcake, played at the park, and splashed in the fountains. It was fun to see the girls together, they are growing up so fast.

Natalie picking on Lilia :)

Fun swinging together!

Little Miss walking around in the fountains

Birthday Girl

That's my baby....

She loved the fountains

Walking around checking stuff out

Natalie picking on Lilia again :)

Cousins and Buddies
Natalie standing up on her own!
Lilia is walking! Wow!
Kallie and Matt, Lilia is so CUTE. We are so amazing on the pictures of the family and how both Kaine and Lilia are growing up. The Plavajka Family
Rob, Peggy, Robby and Randy
How incredible cute! it looks like they had so much fun. I can't believe lilia is walking already! I bet it takes alot to keep up with her? Natalie is slowly but surely getting there, I think she's a little bit nervous to walk just yet. Can you believe that it's been a year already? It makes me want to cry because my baby is growing up, i'm sure you feel the same way! :( Sorry nat's such a bully. talk to you guys soon, much love kimmy
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