Today we celebrated Natalie and Lilia's 1st birthday together! Natalie is Lilia's cousin from Matthew's side of the family. The party fell between their birthdays and what a party it turned out to be! Grandma Tami hosted the birthday celebration at Willamette park on the Willamette river. The food was wonderful, the cake cute as a button, and the company the best. It was nice to see everyone. Thank you for making Lilia's 1st birthday special!

Mommy and Birthday Girl!

Grandma Tami and the other Birthday Girl

Aunt Amicia and Great Grandpa Murlin

The Mahrts

Enjoying some Cheetos

The Litsons

Grandpa Russ and Natalie and Kyle

The cake :)

Blowing out the candle with Dad

Eating cake

Listening to Daddy

So good...

More cake

After all that cake you knew it wasn't going to end without a fuss.... It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to

Enjoying a bottle and talking it over, partying is a lot of work!

And this is how it ended, Mommy opening presents and Lilia taking it all in
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