Sunday, March 28, 2010

Busy Busy Busy...

We've been really busy lately, trying to keep up well just with eachother!

Matt has been doing some Boy Scout Leadership training the past few weekends and staying busy with work. He also gave a talk last Sunday at church about his conversion, it was wonderful to hear him speak and feel the spirit he brought into the room.

Lilia has been busy working on learning new words, using the big girl potty, going to play group and reading group, and best of all mastering the somersault!

I am working on a quilt with some of the ladies from our church. I've never quilted anything before, but this has turned out to be really fun! I've been out in the yard pulling weeds and getting my garden ready to plant in, I can hardly wait. My cub scouts also keeps me pretty busy these days.

Kaine has been working on his cub scout assignments dilligently too. Speaking of which, last week was the pinewood derby! It is something the boys look forward to all year. Kaine spent a good week cutting out his car and sanding it and giving it a sweet paint job! He even had Matt chisel out an area so he could glue in a seat for his lego man, it was pretty creative if you ask me! I am sorry his creativity didn't translate into speed, he finished dead last out of 13 boys, disappointing I know. But not to worry, this didn't break Kaine's spirit, he got an award for "Most Enthusiastic" and an award for the "Slowest Car" along with a cool pinewood derby lunch box! He thought this was the best! The next morning before school he said "At least my car was good at something" I asked him "What's that?" Kaine, "Being the slowest, it just makes me laugh, at least it had the coolest paint job and I got this awesome new lunch box to take to school" I am glad he keeps things in perspective, a glass half full kind of guy, my kind of kid! Sorry there is no pictures, I forgot the camera at home :(

This week is spring break! Kaine will be spending it with his mom this year. He will be coming back on Easter afternoon so Matt and I decided we should do our Easter with Kaine before he left, because well we couldn't wait. We planned out this suprise egg hunt around our neighborhood, Kaine had no idea. We took the kids out for a bike ride Saturday morning and we happened upon our first egg. It had a clue in it that led us to a statue in the cemetary and a second egg with another clue. Kaine didn't get what was going on, so we had to spell it out for him. We had planned the egg hunt, these weren't just random eggs in the cemetary, but something we had put together for him, an egg hunt. He was amazed and the hunt was on! It was so fun for Matt and I to watch as he read each clue and found them with excitement. The hunt ended in our back yard with eggs everywhere for the kids to find. Before we took him to the train station we snapped a few pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes.

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