This summer has been a busy one. Seems like we have something going almost every week or weekend. Matt and I went to Las Vegas for a little get away while Lilia took a vacation of her own with Grandma and Grandpa Westover to see her cousins in Utah and had a slumber party with Grandma and Grandpa Mahrt. Kaine came home for a week in July and him and I went to cub camp together, I am proud to anounce that come the end of August when Kaine turns 10 he will have earned his Bear badge in cub scouts, way to go Kaine! Matt is working with some of the older boy scouts now and went to Scout camp in August for a week of rock climbing, hiking, rafting, mountain biking shooting, and camping. We've picked colors to paint the outside of our house and done the prep work. Lilia is now sleeping in a big girl bed and we are still working on potty training we are getting more and more consistant. Kaine and Lilia's rooms both got a fresh coat of paint and a new look, as well as the new nursery. Summer has been a lot of fun and we can hardly wait for fall when Baby will be here.

Lilia opening a package from Grandma and Grandpa, new shirt, new hat, and necklaces.
She loved it! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.
This past week we got a mini van, so it's offical now, we have a family car. I am 34 weeks and counting and had a check up this past week. The doctor said everything looks great, Baby should weigh about 5.5 pounds. She couldn't tell if Baby was head down yet or not, but I have another appointment in two weeks and we should know better than. My blood pressure is great for this stage in my pregnancy 104/68 and my weight gain/management as I like to think of it, is too at 24 pounds. The doctor and I did discuss possibly being induced at 39 weeks if I haven't had the baby already. Because there were some complications with Lilia's delivery, shoulder dystocia and hemorrhaging, that were/are out of our hands, the shape and angle of my pelvis, my doctor wants to make sure Baby doesn't get too big so we can have the safest delievery possible. I'll keep you updated as it gets closer and we know more.
33 Weeks
Getting ready for an afternoon bike ride with Dad, I think he likes them more than she does :)
A visit from Grandma Pat
One day while Lilia was napping I suprised her by painting her fingers and toes, red, white, and blue for the 4th of July. Here she is just waking up and checking them out, she loves to have painted nails.