Last night was a special pack meeting for our family. I am proud to announce that Kaine is moving on up in the world of cub scouts. The boys have the opportunity with a lot of hard work to earn a badge every year, a badge is like a rank, with each birthday they enter a new rank, not all boys earn the badge to go with the rank, but Kaine did! Kaine earned his Bear badge last night and is moving on up to a Webelos. We are very proud of him and he is very excited. This next year of scouting will be very intense, but Kaine is looking very much forward to it and we are too. As the Wolf den leader, I was in charge of the pack meeting, a monthly/bimonthly activity that is held for the families and scouts to give out awards and have a fun time together. I've been in scouting for almost a year and this was the first time I've been in charge, quite the responsiblity, especially at 36 weeks pregnant. I put on a cub scout water olympics, unfortunatly the weather was a bit chilly, but I am certain the boys and families still had a good time. Here are some pictures from the festivities....

Awards to my Wolves
The boys are wearing their camp shirts and that is the camp flag in the background they made
Bear dean, Kaine's old den
Getting his Bear badge
I love this one! We are so proud of Kaine.
Being introduced into Webelos
Water ballon volleyball
Long jump, behind it is waterballon shot put
Stick pull
Hula hoop
Matt and Lilia jumping rope
Tug of War
Scout master vs cub scouts
Cub scouts win!
And of course afterwards there was a waterballon fight but it was too crazy to take pictures, I was busy trying to stay dry.
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