Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung finally! We have been up to our ears in yard work the past month or so. We are re-landscaping and adding some garden space, I can't wait to see the fruits of our labor! Eli is crawling so watchout world he is on his way.  Kaine is doing great on his piano lessons and having a blast at cubscouts these days. And little Miss Lilia is a wonderful help in the garden and growing up to be such a happy sweet girl. I started a new blog called Plow In Hope, check it out. It has been really fun so far, it's a blog about learning to be a little more self-reliant. Hope you like it. Matthew has been busy at work and visiting Grandpa Scott who has been in the hospital the past few weeks. We are praying that his body will become strong and he will be able to go home soon.
Easter is a week away and this next week marks the Passover week. As a family we sat down together and wrote our testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, we'd like to share it with you...
We know that our savior Jesus Christ lives. We know that He suffered greatly and died in order to clear a path to Heaven for us. He conquered death itself and three days later was resurrected with a perfect physical body. Christ’s love for all of mankind is unconditional and everlasting. Through Him we draw near to and become more like God. Without Christ’s atonement we would be eternally removed from the presence of the Father. He is truly our friend and dear eldest brother. We testify that He does live and that we have reason to be joyous no matter the darkness that comes. We say these things in His name, Jesus the Christ, amen.

 Kaine and his Flat Stanley pen pal over Spring break

 Kaine pushing Eli around in the laundry basket

This picture makes me smile, this was Eli's first time eating yogurt, it was late one night after the other kids went to bed and Matt was giving us a good laugh, a great memory!

1 comment:

Tami(Mom) said...

I love my family so much and seeing these pictures makes me so happy. The laudry basket picture with Kaine and Eli brought back wonderful memories of Matthew pushing Casey around when they were my baby boys. Now men with their own lives and yet I am still Dear old Mom... Thanks Kallie for making my day so sweet. Love you all.