Friday, October 14, 2011

My Lucky Loves... 1, 3, and 11

It's October and that means August and September have past and our kids are all a year older. We feel so lucky to have 3 little and then again not so little ones to love and cherrish.....

 Eli George (1) loves to play his xylephone and snuggle, has three teeth, runs doesn't walk

 my little three toothed monster, can't help but smile when I see that one lonely tooth on top

 Lilia Jane (3) loves to draw and play in the garden, is learning to write the alphabet, and is sweet as pie

 Kaine Matthew (11) loves learning music and joking around,  is working on earning his first rank in boy scouts, and makes us proud as proud can be

 It makes me so happy that Kaine is such a wonderful big brother and that Lilia adores him so

 What can I say?! These three are my world, I love them so....

These are my lucky loves!

1 comment:

all about the girls said...

What a great photo shoot! (Helps to have adorable subjects!!)