Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh Christmas tree

It's that time of year, to put on the boots and head out to find a Christmas tree. This is one of my favorite family activities. And after last year's tree (and wild adventure to get the tree) we were looking for something a little more low key.

(incase you forgot last year's tree and all it's wonder)

 So we bundled up and found ourselves at a tree farm not too far from home. Highlights from the afternoon out include, a beautiful full tree, a chilly but oh so fun hay ride and lots of smiles. I can't personally say there were any lows to the trip although if you ask the kids they might tell you about the world's worst hot chocolate "It looks like hot chocolate, kind of, but taste like warm water but not really. How can they even call this stuff hot chocolate?..... " - Kaine  "Aw gross, do I have to drink this?!" - Lilia.  Eli didn't mind it too much. I didn't bother testing it I just took their word.  We went home and made her a beauty.

 Not sure why I love this picture of the boys but I sure do

 Kaine telling us how to properly cut down a tree
 LOVE this picture

 Lilia bossing the boys
 Eli even helped carry the tree his job was the top

 Just some recent pictures of the cutest baby you ever did see...

 in his last diaper given from the baby shower
 Festival of Nativites, Lilia and Eli as Mary and Joseph

1 comment:

Steph said...

Based on the description of the hot cocoa, I'm guessing you went to the same tree farm my family went to every year when I was growing up! Gotta love Thornton's!