Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Track 2010

Kaine participated in track again this year! He had a great time and made us all proud. He ran in the 100 yard dash, 200 yard dash, 400 yard dash, 100 hurdles and was a member of a relay team at the last minute. He was sure busy. Kaine took 3rd in the hurdles, 4th in 400 yard dash and finished all of the other races he participated in. Way to go Kaine!

Kaine and his #1 fan

Look at Kaine go

Finishing strong

3rd Place for the 100 hurdles, we are so proud! Kaine walked up the bleachers and said here's my ticket for the blizzard you promised me, so cute.

200 Yard dash

400 yard dash, 4th place out of 8 and the top 4 were all pretty close.

Monday, May 24, 2010

22 Weeks

Baby #2 @ 22 weeks

We went for an ultrasound last Friday to see Baby. It was so exciting I could hardly sleep the night before. There is nothing like seeing your baby squirming around in there! The baby looks healthy as a horse and happy as a little clam. They had all ten fingers and toes and just in case you were wondering we didn't sneak a peak between their little legs. Baby was about 11.5" and 1 pound, right on target for his or her arrival September 23 2010. We are so proud and can't wait to meet our newest family member.

3D... a little scary I know. I am sure they will be cute if they look anything like Lilia and Kaine.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Moulton Falls

We wanted to get outside and enjoy the nice weather this weekend. Our choices of activities was limited due to Kaine gigantic plaster splint. He sprained his thumb Thursday at school playing dodgeball. After a trip to the doctors office and then to the ER, 7 hours later we headed home with a monster of a splint. Whatever happened to popcicle sticks and tape?  Kaine enjoyed or tried to enjoy every minute of sympathy he could get from it and it was fun being "hurt" until he couldn't ride his bike, run throught the sprinklers, or play in the river. You'll be happy to know Kaine and his thumb are doing just fine. So this weekend we went for a nice hike around Moulton Falls, just North of Vancouver. We hiked around, played on the train tracks, threw rocks in the river, and had a nice picnic. We are hoping for some more nice weather soon, but looks like it might be another week or two.

Daddy and Daughter down by the river

I wasn't kidding about the monster of a splint for his thumb, was I.

Brave girl, looking down through the bridge.

Railroad tracks are always fun


Just looking

21.5 weeks along with Baby #2

Isn't he handsome?

Kid toes

Playing together

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Viva Las Vegas

Lilia and I found ourselves in Las Vegas over Mother's day weekend. It was Lilia's first airplane trip and well I was impressed. We had a blast! We visited my Grandma Partelow and Aunt Lisa from my Mom's side of the family. Lilia loved her Great, what she called her Great Grandma. We touched down before noon Saturday and never stopped going until we boared the plane Monday evening. I had a wonderful Mother's day weekend with my Mom and her family. It was so nice to see my family, but I sure did miss my Matthew. Here are some pictures from our trip.